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Going to the studio is a big part of becoming a rapper. It’s how you create your product (the music). However, upcoming hip-hop artists put so much money into studio time that they forget there’s more than just recording. Recording Your Music Can Be Expensive A lot of rappers go to the studio when they …
Your pitch is your way of selling yourself as an artist, to an editor or owner of a hip-hop blog so they’ll post your music. The main thing I see wrong with a lot of pitches that upcoming hip-hop artists send is: – It’s Too Long You’re sending a whole page full of your life …
Aside from questions related to music promotion and artist development, “How do I make money as an upcoming hip-hop artist?” is one of the most popular music business questions I get asked. And, for good reason. As an upcoming rapper, you’re days probably consist of working a job that you don’t like for little money. Then, once …
Today we’re going to talk about how to find hip-hop blogs to submit to. So, finding hip-hop blogs and just using hip-hop blogs, in general, is usually a good strategy. There are times when a hip-hop blog may have deceiving numbers as far as social media followers and likes are concerned. They may “look” like …
Having a manager is beneficial to hip-hop artists because you can offload some of your day-to-day activities to them, like your administrative task – and focus on aspects of your music career that only you can do, like making music, shooting videos, and etc. Those aspects of your career cannot be completed by anyone else, …
Building an email list as a hip-hop artist is one of the best things you can do as an upcoming hip-hop artist. The bigger and more engaged your email list becomes, the less dependent you become on social media and the easier it will be to grow your music career. Now, you may be thinking …
Believe it or not, email is still one of the most common ways that people communicate on the internet. Email marketing is also one of the most profitable channels for marketing your business to those who’d like to hear from you. Now, you may be asking yourself “Why would I use email marketing – I …
A lot of hip-hop artists come from low-income urban areas where there’s little motivation for learning how to be professional. And thanks to the current nature of hip-hop, slang and disrespect is often glamorized and made to look like the “cool” thing to do. Upcoming artists observe this behavior and think being disrespectful and using …
How To Upload Your Mixtape On MyMixtapez (short version): There are 3 ways to upload your mixtape on MyMixtapez: Pay to get your mixtape featured on MyMixtapez Network with the staff of MyMixtapez Build your brand and have them come to you How To Get Your Mixtape On MyMixtapez (video): What is MyMixtapez? MyMixtapez is …
A mixtape is a pretty big part of your career, right? You put in all this hard work, you’ve been hustling, and now you get to put together that special project and give it off to the world. The thing about a mixtape is that sometimes you don’t need a mixtape. A lot of artists release …
We all have dreams. They’re easy to create in our head and after time, we get excited just by thinking about them. These dreams help create that “hunger” inside of you. But, that “hunger” usually comes with a side of “by any means necessary”. While that’s usually looked at as a good thing, It’s probably holding …
Watch The Video: In 2016, Twitter is still one of the biggest social media platforms in the market and for good reason. It’s one of the few platforms that allow you to communicate with anyone, no matter if you’ve “connected” with them or not. It’s basically one big chat room with different channels. Now, one …
Do you know how to build a fanbase for your music career? Like seriously grow your music career? I’m not talking about getting Twitter followers, SoundCloud plays, YouTube views, Facebook likes, or anything like that. I’m talking about building a real fan base of real people that look forward to hearing your music, support you, …
What Is Datpiff: DatPiff is an online mixtape distribution platform owned by Idle Media Inc. It was launched in 2005 and is headquartered inPennsylvania. It specializes in hip-hop and rap and urban music. (via Wikipedia) How Does Datpiff Help? Similar to Livemixtapes and Spinrilla, Datpiff is a mixtape hosting platform. It allows you to upload mixtapes …
If you’re reading this, I don’t have to tell you how important Hip Hop DJs are. They’re in the clubs playing music in front of hundreds of people every night and most are DJs are always looking for new music. Want to know the only thing better than getting your music heard by hundreds of …
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