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Learning how to make a rap song is not something commonly taught when starting your music career (unless you’re going through artist development). It’s expected of you to know how to make a rap song if you want to be a rapper. But why should you know how to do something when no one has …
Managing a rapper is a tough task. Every rapper is different, and, because of that, there’s no universal way to do it right. This why having a good music manager is so important. The good managers can tailor their approach based on the rapper they’re representing. Allowing them to navigate the industry and have some …
As a rapper/music artist, you’ll spend way more time on your phone than on a computer. Because of that, it’s much more efficient to be able to handle important aspects of your music career directly from your phone. Once you become a famous rapper, you’ll be able to afford to hire people (like a hip-hop …
Choosing a publicist in hip-hop is an important step in taking your music career to the next level. A publicist will help you and teach you how to promote your music and brand to anyone that fits your target audience. Now, if you’re still in the early stages of your music career – you won’t …
Learning how to organize songs, beats, lyrics, branding materials, and everything else is extremely important for your music career. It’s hard enough to put in all the work required to become a successful rapper or music artist, so there’s no need to make it more difficult by not being organized. There are many different ways …
Regardless if you want to become a successful rapper or music artist in another genre, you’re eventually going to want to shoot a music video to help promote your music and build your fanbase. Shooting a music video may require things like hiring a music video director, buying lights or fog machines, securing venues if …
Rap name generators are very popular. While I understand why they’d be popular for people looking for funny names to share with friends and on social media, it makes little sense why someone who wants to become a successful rapper would use one. If you’ve ever had a hard time choosing a rap name you’ve …
I’ve received a good amount of emails from hip-hop artists asking if I think it’s better to upload music on Spinrilla or Livemixtapes. And, while you can make a case for which one of those 2 platforms are better for you – the better answer in most cases is to do as many as possible. …
Acoustic treatment for your home recording studio is extremely overlooked by most upcoming artists. The focus is usually on buying the best microphone for recording vocals, the best microphone preamp, the best studio speakers, and whatever other accessories that help you to record higher quality music. While there’s nothing wrong with focusing on purchasing the …
Watch The Video Read The Transcript Hey what’s going on guys, it’s Darius from and I’m currently in my home gym so it’s a little different from the normal me in my room-type videos. But I was scrolling on Instagram and I found this little comedic skit or video or whatever. It was pretty …
Watch The Video Read The Transcript Hey what’s going on guys, it’s Darius from and in this video I want to talk about what to do if you don’t have a local scene in your area and you’re trying to become a hip-hop artist, or just an artist in general. This is a good …
Here’s how to promote your music and get fans on YouTube in 2017 Transcript: Hey what’s going on guys, it’s Darius from I was just thinking of this marketing strategy that you can use if you were trying to get more fans off YouTube. So it’s kind of like a how to promote your …
All upcoming hip-hop artist should know the power of good studio headphones for their home recording studio. Headphones put you in a bubble with just you and the music – an essential part of being in the studio. The market for headphones is huge and with the entry of so many brands trying to be …
While all equipment plays an essential part in setting up a home studio, a good set of studio monitors are really what is going to take your recording to the next level. The ability to listen to your music as it actually sounds is integral to how you make most of your decisions in the …
In my last article, I talked about why you should have an artist biography. If you haven’t read that article yet, you should definitely check it out. But, if you’re interested in creating an artist biography and don’t want to use our Music Artist Biography Service, this article will help you create your own. The …
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